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SandRID is a 100% psyllium pellet with high swell volume to help encapsulate and remove sand and dirt from the intestinal tract. Feeding SandRID helps support healthy gut function to help reduce the possibility of sand colic.


Here are some Additional preventative measures you can take:


  • Always make sure that your horse has access to fresh, clean water. 

  • Ensure that your horse has enough access to roughage in his diet, such as pasture or hay. This part of a horse’s natural diet provides the bulk needed for proper gut motility.

  • Make sure your horse has regular dental checkups to ensure there are no sharp points or missing teeth that prevent him from grinding his food properly.

  Occasionally, a horse will colic for no apparent reason. In such cases, the best prevention is to know your horse’s habits so that you can quickly identify a colic episode in the future.  


SKU: 366615376135191
  • 5 lbs 

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